So you now know the meaning of the number “34” … the rest is not part of the Fibonacci sequence … why complicate things when life is so simple. But sometimes simplicity is holds only by a thread… in this case, I should say, a few inches.
What I’am getting to is the story of a recent quarrel with my “friend”, “my husband”, “my partner”, to make a long story short, an argument with Brian
We live in Québec City, seven months a year and the rest of the time in Naples, on the West Coast of Florida.
Last year, while in Naples Brian decided to buy a new television … normally that should not have much to do with me … I don’t like TV: I prefer watching movies on my mini DVD player … like the ones parents install in their cars to buy peace and quiet on a long trip.
Anyway, WE ended up buying a forty inches Sony Bravia, with a DVD player as a bonus. So now you know what the “40” stands for. As for the “52”… that is precisely why the situation got complicated.
Back to Québec City, in April, it strikes us that our old TV may not be up to the job anymore … a cumbersome monster … a case of morbid obesity … its waistline is scary… even mom Madeleine, who bought a 40 inches Sony Bravia recently, thought that the time has come to modernise. “Lyne”, she said: “Brian is right, your TV set is a dinosaur!!!”.
She makes me nervous sometimes, especially when she takes sides with Brian. All young couples beware! … even when approaching 60 years old, you are not rid of your mother … luckily one usually remains fond of her most of the time, which makes things only somewhat less complicated.
Once again Brian decides: «We will buy a 52 inches Sony Bravia». Ouch… 52 inches… that doesn’t make any sense… it will almost fill the wall in our living-room. I don’t like to fight for nothing but there are limits. Unfortunately with men sometimes… it just doesn’t work that way… «No, no, no Brian»… and here we go. I leave the ensuing debate to your imagination … while I go on to the conclusion of my story.
As the Latin saying goes «in medio stat virtus» (e.n. thank you, Mr. Gérard-Raymond Hovington of Sacré-Coeur, I haven’t forgotten all the Latin you taught me)…there must be a way to find a happy medium. So we seek terms, between “40” and “52”.
We do a little shopping… Blue Ray? Plasma? 1080 HP? Glossy or not? Flat or convex? Not to mention prices! It’s outrageous, some models are up to seven thousands dollars!!! We were thinking of spending one thousand dollars or less … we are as pathetic as our dinosaur of a TV set. Also, we were like two illiterates, lost in all the terminology.
But the main question remains … what size? As for me, I would consider a 42 inches, 46 at the most… I suspect Brian said “52” in the hope of getting at least “46”!!!
This is where we stand now: our dinosaur still thrones in our living-room, where it continues to eat up a lot of space… but our TV set is not that bad, it’s just a bit overweight… It’s true that it’s out of style but nothing is perfect! We’ll see about a replacement, again next spring.

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