December 2nd, I send a chronicle of Christmas wishes to Shirley, my editor; it will be published on the fifteenth. None too soon for sewing good cheer. Later, the lovely and petulant Shirley, who in her spare time hunts down people with undersized brains who have prejudices against blondes; the enthusiastic and energetic Shirley, asks me if I will publish another chronicle before 2011… maybe!
I certainly wish all the readers of my chronicles, health, prosperity, happiness and joy; so why not say so in a chronicle! But while navigating on Facebook I come across a picture of my lovely, cheerful Shirley, and my thoughts drift to all the lovely blondes and brunettes who breathe happiness into my life.

So I add special wishes to all the gutsy women I know: to my three Christines, the senior government official, the mayor and the accountant, who, while never missing a beat, successfully assimilate their hectic personal and professional lives; to my niece France who never ceases to amaze me with her independence, her personality and the manner in which she leads her life and career; to my mother Madeleine and her friends, Mrs. Beaudoin, Janine, Madeleine, Marie-J, Blanche-Yvette, for their vivacious spirit and youthful hearts; to Loretta my friend and neighbor in Naples who, with boundless discretion and thoughtfulness, shares so many delicious slices of life with me; to my aunts Henriette and Yvonne who cruise every ocean with glee; to Louisette and Marcia who enhance my life with their love and inspire me with their courage; to all my other blonde, brunette and white haired friends, in Canada, the USA and elsewhere who enrich my life with their joy de vivre and their inspiring PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS; to all these women who will no doubt one day go to heaven, in order to spice up the life of those who are already there; and of course to Shirley, I wish a very good year.
As for my husband and the men who have the privilege of living alongside the women they love, I hope they value them and respect them for all they are.

Lyne who loves you all dearly! XXX
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