I consider myself a normally clean person: I generally wash my hands at each appropriate opportunity: before touching food, after using the washroom, when I come back from shopping. In my book, I consider my hands t

I certainly do not want to promote filthiness, there are limits, but public antisepsis seems to have reached ridiculous levels. It’s now almost impossible to take a step without running into a bottle of “Purell Antiseptic Lotion”; as my mother Madeleine would say, enough is enough.
If the tendency continues we will have to “Purellize” ourselves when we get out of the shower. My PC is white and I’m the only one that touches it: well this morning I found myself cleaning my keyboard with “Purell”; that’s what prompted me to write this chronicle, I am becoming obsessed. I “Purellized” my PC! Ouch! I’m Purellizing myself!
Purell seems to be ever-present in our lives: a small bottle in the purse, one in the car, one in our pockets, one on the balcony table, in grocery stores they now have Purell, to disinfect your shopping cart.

Even Brian fell for it: can you imagine my 6 foot “man” constantly using Purell? I wonder if the Purell Company started a global conspiracy to turn us into a society of hypochondriacs…
I agree that washing hands is essential, but let’s not get hysterical.
On the other hand maybe “Purelization” could be the way to a prosperous future. I am going to check the Stock Exchange right away. If Purell Inc. is listed I will buy a bunch of shares and then join the conspiracy myself.
Zut! It's a private company. Might as well get down and dirty. with the rest of them.

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